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Entries for 'Sergio Graziosi'
Posted on June 04, 2014 10:14 
The Center for Curriculum Redesign, in partnership with the OECD/CERI, is pleased to announce Character Education for a Challenging Century, A Global Conference.
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Posted on June 04, 2014 10:11 
The Editorial Management Board of the journal Evidence & Policy invites applications for the post of Associate Editor. Applications should be submitted by 5pm, 30th June 2014.
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Posted on June 02, 2014 13:42
Peter Davis (University of Auckland) will discuss the use of longitudinal data to model effects of policy decisions. Time/venue: 12:30 - 13:30, G1, 18 Woburn Square. All welcome (please email to confirm:
See for further information.
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Posted on June 11, 2012 16:47 
This workshop will present the theory behind the term "knowledge brokering" and allow participants to consider how thinking about communication models, intermediaries, knowledge translation and brokering can be useful for reflecting on knowledge brokering practice. The event is aimed at knowledge exchange practitioners and others with a remit in supporting research use in policy and practice - whether in universities, government, the voluntary sector or elsewhere.
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Posted on June 07, 2012 16:44
Nesta is hosting a breakfast seminar with Mark Henderson where he will discuss the findings of his new book 'The Geek Manifesto' and his views on the evidence agenda. In The Geek Manifesto Henderson explains why and how we need to entrench scientific thinking more deeply into every aspect of our society. This event is open to all Alliance members.
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Posted on June 01, 2012 16:46
The second workshop of the OECD project 'Governing Complex Education Systems' was held on 16-17 April 2012. This workshop examined effective governance on the local level. It looked at the role of local stakeholders in the governance of complex education systems.
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Posted on June 01, 2012 16:45
Translating knowledge into practice often presents considerable challenges which have led to increasing interest in implementation research. In response to this, on 5-16 February 2013, Linköping University will host The Nordic Conference on Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Linköping, Sweden.
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Posted on May 25, 2012 16:44
EIPPEE was invited to be a keynote speaker at the international symposium “Advancing socio-economic research” organised by the Pro-Global Science Association. This symposium took place on 18-19 May 2012 in Bucharest Romania.
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Posted on May 25, 2012 16:42
Research is now going on at Swansea University in the UK to study the process of research use. Such research is important to progress the field of evidence informed policy and practice by giving us more detail about the different ways that research gets translated into policy and the issues involved with this. The researchers would be very grateful for anyone who can spare a few minutes to complete the online survey.
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Posted on May 09, 2012 16:41
A blog in the UK's Guardian newspaper raised the issue of why more policy making is not influenced by relevant research. Citing the example of learning from the EPPSE (Effective Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education) study, in which the education and life trajectories of 3,000 children have been followed, the article suggests a better link between research and policy implementation should be established.
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Posted on May 01, 2012 16:30
24/25 May 2012 - Lisbon
This highly interactive and cross-disciplinary event will bring together top policy researchers and practitioners to discuss best practices for delivering qualitative research for policy making. This year's main focus is: Supporting effective policy making through qualitative and mixed methods research.
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Posted on April 25, 2012 16:36
A recent blog published by London School of Economics suggests that UK think tanks are not exploiting the full potential of Twitter as part of their work. According to the blog, only a minority of UK think tanks use Twitter and where it is used, it is employed mainly by younger men (who also work as journalists, commentators or bloggers) and in ways that fail to take advantage of the opportunities to exchange ideas and provoke discussion. This, the blog argues, may be why think tanks are not reaching out to broader audiences or to engage the wider public in topical debates as a means of promoting their ideas and arguments.
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Posted on April 11, 2012 16:40
From 1 July 2012, all World Bank research outputs and knowledge products will be made open access. The policy will also apply to Bank research published with third party publishers including the institution's two journals - World Bank Research Observer (WBRO) and World Bank Economic Review (WBER) - which are published by Oxford University Press. While much of the Bank's research outputs and knowledge products have been available for free on the institution's web site, and on other channels, the new Open Access policy means that for the first time, the Bank will have an aggregated portal to research and knowledge products where the metadata is curated, the content is discoverable and easily downloaded, and third parties are free to use, reuse, and build on it.
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Posted on April 11, 2012 16:38
One of the world's largest funders of science is to throw its weight behind a growing campaign to break the stranglehold of academic journals and allow all research papers to be shared online. Researchers who do not make their work open access in line with the Wellcome Trust's policy to make all research papers available online could be sanctioned in future grant applications to the charity.
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Posted on March 27, 2012 16:34
10 - 12 May 2012 - Aarhus University, Denmark
The theme of the 4th international conference in the 360° series is Encompassing Knowledge Mediation. In choosing this particular theme organisers have – like in the previous three conferences – deliberatively chosen a rather broad topic. This has been done in the explicit hope that this will encourage researchers from a wide variety of different research fields and communities to participate and join in the 360° exploration of phenomenon in question. Questions will include: Why do we mediate? What do we mediate? How do we mediate? Where do we mediate?
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Posted on March 07, 2012 16:33
12 March 2012 - Institute for Government, London
That government needs effective research on which to base decisions is obvious. But the link between these two groups has been fragile and key disparities can limit how effective academic research can be for policymakers. Common problems raised are around communication, priorities and openness. Much is known about how the policy-making process happens, what actors are key at each stage and how politics can trumps evidence-based policymaking.
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Posted on March 07, 2012 16:32
26 March 2012 - City Hall, London
The past year has seen a number of significant policy initiatives to support the development and dissemination of evidence-based programmes in education and children's services. The UK government's recent review of Early Intervention, led by Graham Allen MP and widely endorsed across all political parties, sets out to identify and expand the implementation of evidence-based interventions that address issues such as early literacy, parenting and drug/alcohol abuse. At the same time, the newly formed Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is planning to invest up to £200m for cost-effective programmes that improve outcomes for pupils in the most challenging circumstances.
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Posted on March 07, 2012 16:30
3 May 2012 - Wellcome Trust, London
The aim of this event is to explore the factors that make effective research-policy partnerships, and to identify what needs to be put in place to promote them. Using the highly regarded EPPSE project as an example, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the ideas in relation to their own particular context.
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Posted on March 07, 2012 16:26
18 - 21 June 2012 - Salamanca, Spain
The topic of the Conference, "Empires, Post-coloniality and Interculturality: Comparative Education between Past, Post, and Present", reflects some of the major scholarly issues in which academics, researchers, policy analysts and students in the field of comparative education are currently concerned and engaged with.
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Posted on February 13, 2012 16:25
A CEBE event was held in UK parliament on the proposals for the Education Media Centre (EMC) on 22 November 2011.
Different individuals and organisations, all with a commitment to improving the understanding of education through the media, were present.
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