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Existing brokerage


There is considerable interest and activity in evidence informed policy and practice across Europe, both in education and other fields. A central way to increase the use of research in decision-making is through knowledge brokerage. Knowledge brokerage (or exchange or linkage) is a process of mediation between research and its use. This involves making connections between producers of research and its users with the overt purpose of bringing them together and facilitating greater interaction. Knowledge brokerage "acts as an intermediary between researchers and decision-makers facilitating their interaction so that they are able to better understand each other's goals and professional culture, influence each other's work, forge new partnerships, and use research-based evidence"*.

We have provided information about some brokerage examples below. 


EIPEE survey of brokerage activities across Europe

As part of the first EIPEE project, a survey was used to gather information on the nature and extent of research-to-policy brokerage activities and mechanisms operating within education across Europe. Although not an exhaustive survey, it represents a significant step forward in advancing our knowledge and understanding about the different approaches being taken, and offers an important resource for those who are considering setting up similar initiatives.

EC-funded projects linking research, policy and practice

The current EIPPEE project (March 2011 - Spring 2013), and its predecessor EIPEE (March 2010 - April 2011), are important examples of activities intended to link research to policy and practice. Both projects, and the Calls for Proposals from which they emanate, are part of the European Commissions’ commitment to act upon the recommendations of its 2007 Staff Working Paper Towards more knowledge-based policy and practice in education and training (SEC 2007 1098) to develop more and effective brokerage of research to policy-makers and practitioners working in education.

Click here for details of other brokerage initiatives developed by two additional projects funded through the 2009 call (2009/C 142/04).

Web 2.0 linking research, policy and practice

Social media (Web 2.0) tools, services and applications offer new and innovative ways of making research accessible, communicating, collaborating and maintaining relations.  But, what is the evidence for their capacity for promoting and strengthening the links between research, policy and practice? Whilst the scale, scope and speed of change in technologies and practices over the past decade means that this is still relatively unexplored territory, it seemed timely to explore the potential of social media as a brokerage activity as part of the EIPPEE project.

Click here to see where this journey has taken us.