On this part of the website we list resources relevant to the topic of evidence informed policy and practice. The main emphasis is on education, although some material relates to other fields, primarily health. The list contains (a) bibliographic details of publications, and (b) links to websites of relevant organisations, programmes of work, etc. Efforts have been made to include non-English language resources. No quality assessment of the materials has been undertaken. Whenever possible, links to the full text of the publications have been provided. The items in the resource list (400 so far) are categorised under broad headings. There are links at the top of the page to help with navigation. The categories should not be interpreted too rigidly when searching for items. You can also use the ‘find’ key on the toolbar to locate items, by author or topic of interest.
We are also maintaining the EIPPEE bibliography in Mendeley, the online reference manager and academic social network that allows online collaboration and identification of relevant research. The papers are collated within a public group called ‘Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education’. Please join or follow the group! |
Alternatively, the EIPPEE bibliography is available for download in the RIS file format which can be read by all common bibliography software. Download the bibliography in the RIS file format here (unzip the file and your bibliography software should be able to open it).
This resource list (plus the synchronised Mendeley library and RIS file) will be updated regularly. It is not intended as an exhaustive list, however. The websites for some of the organisations producing the work are also listed, and you may wish to search these for additional publications.
Last updated 29 August 2013. Please note latest additions are in bold.
We welcome comments or suggestions on the list as a whole or the individual items listed. If you are aware of any relevant resources, please let us know.

Research production and communication
- Andrews R (2007) What counts as evidence in education?
- Bartel H, Massar T (1999) Offering structured access to information on education and training in Europe and stimulating cross-Network communication within EERA by exploiting the capability of the Internet. Paper Presented at: the European Conference on Educational Research, Lahti, Finland 22-25 September.
- Bell M, Cordingley P, Isham C, Davis R (2010) Report of professional practitioner use of research review: engagement in and/or with research. London: General teaching Council for England.
- Boettcher W, Dicke J, Ziegler H (2009) Evidenzbasierte Bildung. Wirkungsevaluation in Bildungspolitik und paedagogischer Praxis. Muenster: Waxmann.
- Boaz A, Ashby D, Young K (2002) Systematic reviews: what have they got to offer evidence based policy and practice? Working Paper 2. London: ESRC UK Centre for Evidence Based Policy and Practice.
- Brown A (2000) Knowledge development at the interface of research, policy and practice-support for knowledge development within the CEDEFOP Research Arena (CEDRA). Paper presented at: the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2000) Conference, University of Edinburgh, 20-23 September, 2000.
- Brunton G, Stansfield C, Thomas J (2012) Finding relevant studies. In Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (eds.) An Introduction to Systematic Reviews. London: Sage.
- Byrne D, Ozga J (2008) BERA review 2006: education research and policy. Research Papers in Education 23(4): 377-405.
- Carvalho L, Costa E (2009) Programme for international student assessment (PISA), Know and Pol Report: 39-54.
- Chambers D, Wilson P Development of a methodological framework for systematic review-based evidence briefings.
- Chambers D, Wilson P, Thompson C, Hanbury A, Farley K, Light K (2011) Maximising the impact of systematic reviews in health care decision-making: a systematic scoping review of knowledge-translation resources. Millbank Quarterly 89(1): 131-156.
- Cordingley P, NTRP (2000) Teacher perspectives on the accessibility and usability of research outputs.Paper prepared for the BERA 2000 conference, Cardiff University.
- Davies P (1999) What is evidence-based education? British Journal of Educational Studies 47(2): 108–121.
- Davies P (2000) The relevance of systematic reviews to educational policy and practice. Oxford Review of Education 26(3-4): 365-78.
- Davies P (2004) Is evidence-based government possible? Jerry Lee lecture 2004.
- Davies H, Powell A (2012) Communicating social research findings more effectively: what can we learn from other fields? Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(2): 213-233.
- Davies H, Nutley S (2002) Evidence-based policy and practice: moving from rhetoric to reality. Discussion Article 2. St Andrews: Research Unit for Research Utilization (RURU), University of St Andrews.
- Department for Children, Schools and Families (2009) Analysis and evidence strategy 2009-10: delivering evidence based policy. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families.
- ECOTEC Research Consulting Limited (2006) Evaluation of mechanisms for the dissemination and exploitation of the results arising from programmes and initiatives managed by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Birmingham: ECOTEC.
- Elliott J (2002) What is applied research in education? Building Research Capacity 3.
- European Commission (2010) Europe 2020: A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Brussels: European Commission.
- European Commission (2010) Communicating research for evidence-based policymaking: A practical guide for researchers in socio-economic sciences and humanities. Brussels: European Commission.
- European Commission (2011) Databases from socio-economic research projects for policymaking. Brussels: European Commission.
- Gough D (2004) Systematic research synthesis. In: Thomas G, Pring R (eds) Evidence-Based Practice in Education. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Gough D, Boaz A, Simmons R (2011) Different patterns of evidence production and use. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 7(1): 3-5.
- Gough D, Elbourne D (2002) Systematic research synthesis to inform policy, practice and democratic debate. Social Policy and Society 1(3): 225–236.
- Gough D, Thomas J (2012) Commonality and diversity in reviews. In Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (eds.) An Introduction to Systematic Reviews. London: Sage.
- Harlen W, Crick R (2004) Opportunities and challenges of using systematic reviews of research for evidence-based policy in education. Evaluation & Research in Education 18(1): 54-71.
- Holmes J, Harris B (2010) Enhancing the contribution of research councils to the generation of evidence to inform policy making. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 6(3): 391-409.
- Jones R (2007) New terms of research and knowledge production in Scotland: the discourse of knowledge transfer. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 28(1): 101-120.
- Jones N, Walsh C (2008) Policy briefs as a communication tool for development research. Overseas Development Institute.
- Keating A (2008) The politics of education policy making and policy research in Europe: areas for debate and development. European Educational Research Journal 7(3): 403-6.
- Konnerup M, Kongsted H (2012) Do Cochrane reviews provide a good model for social science? The role of observational studies in systematic reviews. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(1): 79-96.
- Kusters C (2011) Making evaluations matter: a practical guide for evaluators. Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University & Research centre, Wageningen: The Netherlands.
- Marklund I (1981) Educational research in Sweden: reform strategies and research policy. International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l'Education 27(2): 105-119.
- National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDD) (1996) A review of the literature on dissemination and knowledge utilization. Austin, TX: National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research.
- Newman M, Elbourne D (2005) Improving the usability of educational research: guidelines for the reporting of primary empirical research studies in education (The REPOSE Guidelines). Evaluation and Research in Education 18: 201-212.
- Nutley S, Davies H, Walter I (2003) Evidence-based policy and practice: cross-sector lessons from the United Kingdom. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 20: 29–48.
- Nyhan B (2002) Taking steps towards the knowledge society: reflections on the process of knowledge development. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
- Oakley A, Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (2005) The politics of evidence and methodology: lessons from the EPPI Centre. Evidence and Policy 1(1): 5-31.
- Oancea A (ed.) (2009) The accumulation, mediation, application and impact of education research knowledge. Report of the third meeting of: the UK’s Strategic Forum for Research in Education, Edinburgh, 17-18 March.
- OECD (2006) CERI - final workshop for evidence-based policy research in education. Teaching and Learning Research Programme.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2007) National review of educational R&D. Paris: OECD.
- Prochazkova H (1989) International information service in the field of education for teaching. Journal of Education for Teaching 15(1): 65-72.
- Rees R, Oliver S (2012) Stakeholder perspectives and participation in reviews. In Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (eds.) An Introduction to Systematic Reviews. London: Sage.
- Renkl A (2013) Why practice recommendations are important in use-inspired basic research and why too much caution is dysfunctional. Educational Psychology Review 25(3): 317-324.
- Rickinson M (2007) Summary report from the peer learning activity on ‘evidence-based policy and practice’ in The Hague, Netherlands. 30 May–1 June.
- Saunders L (2009) Commissioning and consuming research in education: resource 1. The policy and organisational context for commissioned research.
- Saunders L (2009) Commissioning and consuming research in education: resource 2. The process of commissioning research.
- Saunders L (2009) Commissioning and consuming research in education: resource 3. Conducting and managing commissioned research.
- Saunders L (2009) Commissioning and consuming research in education: resource 4. 'Consuming’ research: issues and strategies for communication and use.
- Saunders L, Somekh B (2009) Action research and educational change: the professional voice of teachers in curriculum and pedagogy. In: Noffke S, Somekh B (Eds) Handbook of Educational Action Research. London: Sage Publications.
- Schucan Bird K, Tripney J (2011) Systematic literature searching in policy relevant, inter-disciplinary reviews: an example from culture and sport. Research Synthesis Methods 2(3): 163-173.
- Schuller T (2006) Evidence and policy research. European Educational Research Journal 5(1): 57-70.
- Serenko A, Bontis N (2004) Meta-review of knowledge management and intellectual capital literature: citation impact and research productivity rankings. Knowledge and Process Management 11(3): 185–198.
- Slavin R (2008) Perspectives on evidence-based research in education – what works? Issues in synthesizing educational program evaluations. Educational Researcher 37(1): 5–14.
- Slavin R (2002) Evidence-based education policies: transforming educational practice and research. Educational Researcher 31(1).
- Stewart R, Oliver S (2012) Making a difference with systematic reviews. In Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (eds.) An introduction to Systematic Reviews. London: Sage.
- Towne L, Hilton M (EDS.) (2004) Implementing randomized field trials in education. Washington: National Academies Press.
- Wilson P, Petticrew M, Calnan M, Nazareth I (2010) Disseminating research findings: what should researchers do? A systematic scoping review of conceptual frameworks. Implementation Science 6(91).
- Best Evidence Encyclopedia UK (BEE UK)
- Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)
- Centre for Research on Lifelong Learning (CRELL)
- Evidence Network EBPP Bibliography
- Evidence Network EBPP Resources
- Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice
- Institut National de Recherche Pedagogique (INRP)
- Institute for Effective Education (IEE)
- Platon+
- Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP)
- Top Institute for Evidence Based Education Research (TIER)
Thomas J and Graziosi S (2012) Harnessing technology for evidence use. EIPPEE 2012 Annual Conference - Advancing the use of education research in Europe, the Netherlands, May 2012.

- Afonso N, Costa E (2009) The influence of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) on policy decision in Portugal. The education policies of the 17th Portuguese Constitutional Government. Sísifo Educational Sciences Journal 10: 53-64.
- Amara N, Ouimet M, Landry R (2004) New evidence on instrumental, conceptual, and symbolic utilization of university research in government agencies.Science Communication 26:75-106.
- Anderson D (1991) Knowledge for policy: improving education through research. London: Falmer.
- Ball A (2012) To know is not enough: knowledge, power, and the zone of generativity. Educational Researcher 41:283-293.
- Bamfield L, Hallgarten J, Taylor M (2013) No school an island. RSA Action and Research Centre.
- Bassey M (1992) Creating education through research. British Educational Research Journal 18(1): 3-16.
- Bell M, Cordingley P, Isham C, Davis R (2010) Report of professional practitioner use of research review: engagement in and/or with research. London: General teaching Council for England.
- Berényi E, Neumann E (2009) Grappling with PISA. Reception and translation in the Hungarian policy discourse.Sísifo Educational Sciences Journal 10: 41-52.
- Beycioglu K, Ozer N, Ugurlu C (2010) Teachers' views on educational research. Teaching and Teacher Education 26(4).
- Biesta G. (2007) Why ‘what works’ won’t work. Evidence-based practice and the democratic deficit of educational research. Educational Theory 57(1): 1–22.
- Boaz A, Baeza J, Fraser A (2011) Effective implementation of research into practice: an overview of systematic reviews of the health literature. BMC Research Notes 4.
- Bridges D, Smeyers P, Smith R (Eds) (2008) Educational research and the practical judgement of policy makers. Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (Suppl.1): 5– 14.
- Bridges D, Smeyers P, Smith R (Eds) (2009) Evidence-based educational policy: what evidence? What basis? Whose policy? London: Blackwell.
- Brown C (2012) The policy agora: how the epistemological and ideological preferences of policy-makers affect the development of government policy. Human Welfare 1(1): 57-70.
- Bulmer M (1986) Uses of social research: social investigation in public policy making. London: Harper Collins Publishers.
- Bulmer M (2010) Social science research and government: comparative essays on Britain and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Burchett H, Lavis J, Mayhew S, Dobrow M (2012) Perceptions of the usefulness and use of research conducted in other countries. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(1): 7-16.
- Byrne D, Ozga J (2008) BERA review 2006: education research and policy. Research Papers in Education 23(4): 377-405.
- Cabinet Office (2009) Public bodies 2009.
- Campbell S, Benita S, Coates E, Davies P, Penn G (2007) Analysis for policy: evidence-based policy in practice. London: Government Social Research Unit, HM Treasury.
- Capstick J (2013) Practice based enquiry and the importance of interrogating terminology. Teaching Leaders Quarterly Q2.
- Carvalho L (ed.) (2009) Pisa and educational public policies: studies in six European countries. Sisifo Educational Sciences Journal 10: 3-84.
- Cavendish W (2013) What works? Putting evidence at the centre of designing and implementing policy. Teaching Leaders Quarterly. Q2.
- Contandriopoulos D, Lemire M, Denis J, Tremblay É (2010) Knowledge exchange processes in organisations and policy arenas: a narrative systematic review of the literature. Millbank Quarterly 88(4): 444-483.
- Cooper A (2010) Knowledge brokers - a promising knowledge mobilization strategy to increase research use and its impact in education. AERA, Denver, 2010.
- Cordingley P (2009) Using research and evidence as a lever for change at classroom level. AERA.
- Corwin R, Louis K (1982) Organizational barriers to the utilization of research. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(4): 623-640.
- Council R National (2002) Scientific research in education. Washington DC: The National Academies Press.
- Crilly T, Jashapara A, Ferlie E (2010)Research utilization and knowledge mobilization: a scoping review of the literature (SDO project 08/1801/220). London: HMSO.
- Dagenais C, Lysenko L, Abrami P, Bernard R, Ramde J, Janosz M (2012) Use of research-based information by school practitioners and determinants of use: a review of empirical research. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(3): 285-309.
- Davies P (1999) What is evidence-based education? British Journal of Educational Studies 47(2): 108–121.
- Davies P (2004) Is evidence-based government possible? Jerry Lee lecture 2004.
- Davies H, Nutley S (2002) Evidence-based policy and practice: moving from rhetoric to reality. Discussion Article 2. St Andrews: Research Unit for Research Utilization (RURU), University of St Andrews.
- Davies H, Nutley S, Smith P (2000) What works? Evidence-based policy and practice in public services. Bristol: Policy Press
- Department for Children, Schools and Families (2009) Analysis and evidence strategy 2009-10: delivering evidence based policy. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families.
- Desjardins R, Rubenson K (2009) Research of vs research for education policy: in an era of transnational policy-making. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
- Drill K, Miller S, Behrstock-Sherratt E (2012) Teachers’ perspectives on educational research. Naperville, IL: American Institutes for Research.
- Dumont H, Istance D, Benavides F (Eds.) (2010) The nature of learning: using research to inspire practice. OECD Publishing.
- Duncan S (2005) Towards evidence-inspired policymaking. Social Sciences 61: 10–11.
- Elliott John (2001) Making evidence-based practice educational. British Educational Research Journal 27(5).
- Estabrooks C, Wallin L (2004) Where do we stand on the measurement of research utilization? Paper prepared for: the 4th Annual Knowledge Utilization Colloquia (KU04), Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- European Commission (2008) Scientific evidence for policy-making. Brussels: European Commission.
- European Training Foundation (2011) The Torino process: evidence-based policy making for vocational education and training. Turin: European Training Foundation.
- European Training Foundation (2012) ETF yearbook 2012: evaluation and monitoring of vocational education and training systems and the role of evidence-based policy in their reforms. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Fuchs E, Schriewer J (2007) International organisations and their role in framing educational policies and models. ZfPäd (Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 2007) (2):145-147.
- Gall M, Gall J, Borg W (2010) Applying educational research. How to read, do, and use research to solve problems of practice. Boston: Pearson.
- Goldacre B (2013) Building evidence into education. London: Department for Education.
- Goldstein H (2008) Evidence and education policy - some reflections and allegations. Cambridge Journal of Education 38(3): 393-400.
- Gough D, Boaz A (2011) Complexities of making use of research. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 7(3): 247-249.
- Gough D, Boaz A, Simmons R (2011) Different patterns of evidence production and use. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 7(1): 3-5.
- Greenhalgh T, Wieringa S (2011) Is it time to drop the 'knowledge translation' metaphor? A critical literature review. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 104: 501-509
- Grek S, Lawn M, Ozga J (2009) PISA and the policy debate in Scotland. Policy narratives about Scottish participation in the international comparison. Sísifo Educational Sciences Journal 10: 73-84.
- Grek S, Lawn M, Ozga J (2009) Study on the use and circulation of PISA in Scotland. Working Paper 12: Know and Pol.
- Griffin C (2006) Research and policy in lifelong learning. International Journal of Lifelong Education 25(6): 561-574.
- Grimshaw J, Shirran L, Thomas R, Mowatt G, Fraser C, Bero L, Grilli R, Harvey E, Oxman A, O'Brien M (2001) Changing provider behavior: an overview of systematic reviews of interventions. Medical Care 39 (8 suppl. 2): II2–45.
- Hallsworth M, Parker S, Rutter J (2011) Policy making in the real world: evidence and analysis. London: Institute for Government.
- Hammersley M (2001) Some questions about evidence-based practice in education.
- Hanney S, Gonzalez-Block M, Buxton M, Kogan M (2003) The utilisation of health research in policy-making: concepts, examples and methods of assessment. Health Research Policy and Systems 1(2).
- Hargreaves D (1996) Teaching as a research-based profession: possibilities and prospects. Teacher Training Agency.
- Harlen W, Crick RD (2004) Opportunities and challenges of using systematic reviews of research for evidence-based policy in education. Evaluation and Research in Education 18(1-2): 54-71.
- Harris J, Kearley K, Heneghan C, Meats E, Roberts N, Perera R, Kearley-Shiers K (2011) Are journal clubs effective in supporting evidence-based decision making? A systematic review. Medical Teacher 33(1): 9–23.
- Hemsley-Brown J, Sharp C (2003) The use of research to improve professional practice: a systematic review of the literature. Oxford Review of Education 29(4) 449-470.
- Honig M, Venkateswaran N (2012) School-central office relationships in evidence use: understanding evidence use as a systems problem. American Journal of Education 118(2): 199-222.
- Humes W, Bryce T (2001) Scholarship, research and the evidential basis of policy development in education. British Journal of Educational Studies 49(3): 329-352.
- Kiss A, Fejes I, Biró ZA (2009) Some aspects and edifications of the PISA Assessments in Romania. Sísifo Educational Sciences Journal 10: 65-72.
- Klein R (2003) Evidence and policy: interpreting the Delpic Oracle. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 96: 429-31.
- Landes Institute (2007) Educational monitoring, comparative studies, and innovation from evidence-based governance to practice. OECD/CERI regional seminar for the German-speaking countries in Potsdam (Germany) 25-28 September 2007.
- Kuiken J, P van der Sijde; (2011) Knowledge transfer and capacity for dissemination: a review and proposals for further research on academic knowledge transfer. Industry and Higher Education 25(3): 173-179.
- Landry R, Lamari M, Amara N (2003) The extent and determinants of the utilization of university research in government agencies. Public Administration Review 63(2): 192-205.
- Lanzendorf U, Obermann C (2005) Creating a European knowledge base on education: key issues in EU-supported educational research. University of Kassel.
- Lassnigg L (2009) Ökonomisierung des Lernens und Vertreibung der Bildung? (Lifelong learning and evidence-based policy and practice). MAGAZIN erwachsenenbildung 7-8.
- Lassnigg L (2012) Use of current best evidence: promises and illusions, limitations and contradictions in the triangle of research, policy and practice. International Journal of Training Research 10(3): 179-203.
- Lavis J (2009) How can we support the use of systematic reviews in policymaking? Plos Med 6(11): e1000141.
- Lessard C, Altet M, Paquay L, Perrenoud P (eds.) (2004) Entre sens commun et sciences humaines. Quels savoirs pour enseigner? Brussels: De Boeck.
- Levin B (2004) Making research matter more. Education Policy Analysis Archives 12(56): 1-20.
- Levin B (2009) How governments decide: the role of research. In Desjardins R, Rubenson K (eds) Research of vs research for education policy in an era of transnational policy-making. Saarbrucken: VDM Dr. Müller.
- Levin B (2013) To know is not enough: research knowledge and its use. Review of Education 1(1): 2-31.
- Levin B, Sá C, Cooper A, Mascarenhas S (2009) Research use and its impact in secondary education. Canadian Education Association/Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
- Levin B, Cooper A, Arjomand S, Thompson K (2011) Research use and its impact in secondary schools. Toronto: University of Toronto.
- Love J (1985) Knowledge transfer and utilization in education. Review of Research in Education 12: 337-386.
- Mangez É (2010) Global knowledge-based policy in fragmented societies: the case of curriculum reform in French-speaking Belgium. European Journal of Education 45(1): 60-73.
- Miller B, Pasley J (2012)What do we know and how well do we know it? Identifying practice-based insights in education. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(2): 193-212.
- Mons N, Pons X (2009) The reception of PISA in France. A cognitive approach of institutional debate (2001-2008<). Sísifo Educational Sciences Journal 10: 27-40.
- Morris P (2012) Pick ’n’ mix, select and project; policy borrowing and the quest for ‘world class’ schooling: an analysis of the 2010 schools White Paper. Journal of Education 27(1): 89-107.
- National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research (NCDD) (1996) A review of the literature on dissemination and knowledge utilization. Austin, TX: National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research.
- Nelson S, Leffler J, Hansen B (2009) Toward a research agenda for understanding and improving the use of research evidence. Portland: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
- Nutley S, Davies H, Walter I (2003) Evidence-based policy and practice: cross-sector lessons from the United Kingdom. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 20: 29–48.
- Nutley S, Morton S, Jung T, Boaz A (2010) Evidence and policy in six European countries: diverse approaches and common challenges. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 6(2): 131-144.
- Nutley S, Percy-Smith J, Solesbury W (2003) Models of research impact: a cross-sector review of literature and practice. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
- Nutley S, Walter I, Davies H (2007) Using evidence: how research can inform public services. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Nutley S, Jung T, Walter I (2008) The many forms of research-informed practice: a framework for mapping diversity. Cambridge Journal of Education 38(1): 53-71.
- Oakley A, Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (2005) The politics of evidence and methodology: lessons from the EPPI Centre. Evidence & Policy 1(1): 5-31.
- Oancea A (ed.) (2009) The accumulation, mediation, application and impact of education research knowledge. Report of the third meeting of: the UK’s Strategic Forum for Research in Education, Edinburgh, 17-18 March.
- Ozga J, Seddon T, Popkewitz T (eds.) (2006) World yearbook education 2006: education and policy. London: Routledge.
- Pawson R, Boaz A, Grayson L, Long A, Barnes C (2003) Types and quality of knowledge in social care. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.
- Penn H (1996) Who Influences policy in early childhood services? International Journal of Early Years Education 4(3): 5-17.
- Penuel W, Fishman B (2012) Large-scale science education intervention research we can use. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 49(3): 281-304.
- Perry A, Amadeo C, Fletcher M, Walker E (2010) Instinct or reason: how education policy is made and how we might make it better. Perspective report. London: CfBT Education Trust.
- Pons X, van Zanten A (2007) Knowledge circulation, regulation and governance. Know and Pol Project, Literature Review (part 6).
- Prost A (2001) Pour un programme stratégique de recherche en éducation: rapport du groupe de travail constitué par Antoine Prost
- Ratcliffe M (2004) Science education practitioners’ views of research and its influence on their practice. Evidence-based Practice in Science Education (EPSE) Research Network Report, Department of Educational Studies: University of York.
- Rautalin M, Alasuutari P (2009) The uses of the national PISA results by Finnish officials in central government. Journal of Education Policy 24(5): 539-556.
- Rees G, Powers S (2007) Educational research and the restructuring of the state: the impacts of parliamentary devolution in Wales. European Educational Research Journal 6(1): 87-100.
- Rickinson M (2007) Summary report from the peer learning activity on ‘evidence-based policy and practice’ in The Hague, Netherlands. 30 May–1 June.
- Robertson S, Dale R (2003) Designed dialogues: the real politics of evidence-based practice and education policy research in England. In Ginsburg M, Gorostiaga J (Eds.) Limitations and Possibilities of Dialogue among Researchers, Policy-Makers and Practitioners: International Perspectives on the Field of Education. New York: Routledge Falmer.
- Rodríguez P, Nussbaum M, Dombrovskaia L (2012) Evolutionary development: a model for the design, implementation, and evaluation of ICT for education programmes. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 28: 81–98.
- Rostás Z, Kόsa I, Bodό J, Kiss A, Fejes I (2009) Use and circulation of Pisa in a Romanian context. Know and Pol Report.
- Rutter J (2012) Evidence and evaluation in policy making: A problem of supply or demand? London: Institute for Government.
- Sanderson I (2011) Evidence-based policy or policy-based evidence? Reflections on Scottish experience. Evidence and Policy 7(1): 61-78.
- Saunders L (2010) The changing role of research in education. Education Today, 60 (2): 16–21.
- Sebba J (2000) Education: using research evidence to reshape practice. Public Money and Management 20 (4): 8-10.
- Sharples J (2013) Evidence for the frontline: a report for the alliance for useful evidence. London: NESTA.
- Shemilt I, Mugford M, Vale L, Marsh K, Donaldson C (Eds) (2010) Evidence-based decisions and economics: health care, social welfare, education and criminal justice. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Schildkamp K, Lai M, Earl L (2013) Data-based decision making in education. Challanges and opportunities. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Schuller T, Burns T (Eds.) (2007) Research and evidence in educational policy-making: new challenges. Paris: OECD.
- Schuller T, Jochems W, Moos R, van Zanten A (2006) Evidence and policy research. European Educational Research Journal 5 (1): 57–70.
- Slavin R (2002) Evidence-Based Education Policies: Transforming Educational Practice and Research. Educational Researcher 31(7): 15–21.
- Stafford B (2012) Bad evidence: the curious case of the government-commissioned review of elective home education in England and how parents exposed its weaknesses. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(3): 361-381.
- Szabό V, Tόth K (2010) The intertwining of knowledge and politics in the policy connected to teachers’ in-service training. Know and Pol Report Orientation 3/2.
- Thomas G, Pring R (eds.) (2004) Evidence-based practice in education. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Towne L, Shavelson R, Feuer M (Eds) (2001) Science, evidence and inference in education: report of a workshop. Committee on Scientific Principles in Education Research: National Research Council.
- Walter I, Nutley S, Percy-Smith J, McNeish D, Frost S (2004) Improving the use of research in social care. Knowledge Review 7. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence/Policy Press.
- Watson J (2013) The middle leader as a researcher: applying international principles to a UK context. Teaching Leaders Quarterly Q2.
- Weiss C (1979) The many meanings of research utilization. Public Administration Review: 39(5) 426-431.
- Weiss C (1980) Knowledge creep and decision accretion. Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilisation 1(3): 381-404.
- Wells P (2005) New Labour and evidence based policy making. Paper presented to the PERC Research Seminar 16th May 2004.
- Whitty G (2006) Education(al) research and education policy making: is conflict inevitable? British Educational Research Journal 32(2): 159–176.
- Wiseman A (2010) The uses of evidence for educational policymaking: global contexts and international trends. Review of Research in Education 34: 1-24.
- Ben Goldacre’s Bad Evidence (BBC Radio 4)
Medic and author Ben Goldacre explores the idea of evidence-based policy and asks if it can ever become a reality in the UK.
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Linking research, policy and practice 
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The following lists some examples of different projects and organisations that work to increase the use of evidence by decision-makers, including brief details about each source. Examples of networks that play an intermediary role can be found in the Networks and networking section.
- Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI)
The OECD'S Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) does extensive research work which covers learning at all ages, from birth to old age. CERI often has a longer timeframe than most work, typically aiming to set an agenda for the future, with a goal to ensure that the work is thoroughly integrated with empirical analysis and innovation awareness. Specific emphasis is put on accumulating statistical evidence to the value of its research work.
- Centre on International Education Benchmarking
Launched by the National Center on Education and the Economy, a Washington DC-based education think tank, this centre is dedicated to performing and collecting research on the world's top education systems and global educational best practices. The website makes research publications available to the public along with overviews of top-performing education systems and global education news.
- Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education (CUREE)
CUREE works at the leading edge of research and evidence-informed educational practice, to help teachers make informed decisions about the most effective and efficient approaches to use in their own context. CUREE searches regularly and comprehensively to find the most useful research, and constantly use evidence about effective learning processes to create new, engaging and accessible tools for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), for teaching and learning and for organisational development.
- Danish Clearinghouse for Educational Research
The purpose of the clearinghouse is to provide politicians and practitioners with the current best knowledge. The clearinghouse meets this purpose by performing three functions: the clearinghouse collects and analyses information and distributes knowledge firmly anchored in the best evidence available. This knowledge may derive either from actual research studies or from experimental and developmental work, and it may come from both Danish and international sources. The key characteristic of the clearinghouse is that it does not conduct primary research or evaluations. Evidence is studied on the basis of the documentation produced in connection with previous research and development work.
- Education Endowment Foundation
An independent grant-making charity dedicated to raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils in English primary and secondary schools by challenging educational disadvantage, sharing evidence and finding out what works. Has a particular focus on innovation and on scaling-up projects which are cost effective and replicable. Shares evidence by providing independent and accessible information through the Teaching and Learning Toolkit. The Toolkit provides guidance for teachers and schools on how best to use the Pupil Premium to improve the attainment of their pupils by summarising educational research from the UK and around the world.
- Educational Evidence Portal (EEP)
This portal helps you find educational evidence from a range of reputable UK sources using a single search. It is designed for both professional and lay people interested in education and children's services.
- EPPI Centre
The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI Centre) is part of the Social Science Research Unit at the Institute of Education, University of London. Since 1993, it has been at the forefront of carrying out systematic reviews and developing review methods in social science and public policy. The centre is dedicated to making reliable research findings accessible to the people who need them, whether they are making policy, practice or personal decisions.
- European Training Foundation
An EU agency based in Turin, Italy, that helps transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU's external relations policy.
- Evidence for the Frontline (E4F) project
The Evidence for the Frontline (E4F) initiative aims to get research evidence more widely used in decision-making in schools, colleges and other centres of learning. It will achieve this by guiding practitioners to relevant research expertise and evidence, whilst connecting them up and supporting them to apply evidence in practical contexts. The initiative is part of the programme of the Coalition for Evidence-based Education (CEBE), which brings together teachers, researchers and other educational stakeholders to further the use of research evidence in policy and practice.
- Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice
Evidence and Policy is the first peer-reviewed journal dedicated to comprehensive and critical assessment of the relationship between research evidence and the concerns of policy makers and practitioners, as well as researchers.
- Institute for Government
An independent charity helping to improve government effectiveness in the UK. Works with all the main political parties in Westminster and with senior civil servants in Whitehall, providing evidence based advice that draws on best practice from around the world. Undertakes research, provides the highest quality development opportunities for senior decision makers and organises events to invigorate and provide fresh thinking on the issues that really matter to government.
- Knowledge and Policy in Education and Health Sectors (KNOW&POL)
The changing role of knowledge in policy was the key issue of this European Union funded research project. All KNOW&POL publications are available on the website. Short summaries and extracts are accessible via topics and key words.
- Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research-Réseau d’échange des connaissances pour la recherche appliquée en éducation KNAER-RECRAE
Based in Canada, KNAER-RECRAE is an education network connecting researchers, Ontario schools and boards, & education intermediaries in order to share best practices and innovative ideas. The establishment and operation of the KNAER-RECRAE supports the Ontario Ministry of Education's commitment to developing and implementing policies, programs, and practices that are evidence-based, research-informed, and connected to provincial education goals. Systematic identification, widespread dissemination and consistent implementation of effective and promising practices is critical to meeting these commitments to high levels of student achievement, reduced gaps in performance, and increased public confidence in publicly-funded education.
- Research Unit for Research Utilisation (RURU)
The Research Unit for Research Utilisation (www.ruru.ac.uk) is a research partnership between members based at the universities of Edinburgh and St Andrews. It was established in 2001 with initial funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of its investment in evidence-based policy and practice. RURU aims to facilitate the production and use of practical knowledge that will assist in enhancing the role of evidence in public policy and public service delivery. The unit is a cross-sector resource concerned with examining and improving the utilisation of evidence in the key public policy areas of healthcare, education, criminal justice and social care. In addition to conducting research and exchange knowledge on research use and research impact, members of RURU also provides training in these areas.
- Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Programme
The bulk of the European Union's research funding in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) has been allocated to joint research efforts. The SSH programme aims to foster new scientific knowledge about various phenomena in Europe and beyond. But it also aims to impact policymaking at national and European levels by challenging accepted ideas, promoting leading comparatism, providing new data, building new indicators. As such it is right at the heart of the main EU policies, in particular the dynamic Lisbon agenda, a partnership for growth and employment. It also supports the European Research Area (ERA) by adding new knowledge and policy advice on how to foster a more dynamic, innovative and competitive European science. It is thus important to understand that the SSH programme is 'problem oriented' and 'policy relevant'.
- SUPPORT: Supporting Policy Relevant Reviews and Trials
SUPPORT has developed a series of 19 articles (called ‘SUPPORT Tools for Policymakers’, or STP), which describe processes to help ensure that relevant research is identified, appraised and used appropriately to inform health policymaking. These articles (STP) were published in the Biomed Central open access journal Health and Research Policy and Systems 2009, Vol 7.
- Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education (SCCRE/SKBF-CSRE)
The Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education is a public entity founded in 1974 by the Federal and the Cantonal governments in Switzerland in order to inform, document and coordinate educational research in Switzerland. It documents all research projects done in Switzerland in the field of education and makes summaries of these projects accessible in an internet database to the wider public. Since 2005, it has also been responsible for the writing of the Swiss Education Report. These reports assemble and interpret all available information on the current state of the Swiss educational system. They present a synthesis of statistical, administration and research information and set the information base for an evidence informed educational policy making agenda in Switzerland.
- Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET)
Acting on behalf of the Federal Administration, the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET) provides tertiary-level basic and continuing training to VET/PET professionals. SFIVET also conducts research and development in the VET/PET field. SFIVET ensures relevance and applicability of its services by acting as an interface between the academic and professional world. All basic and continuing training courses are systematically based on the results and evaluation of research and development projects.
- Tools for Knowledge Mobilization (Research Impact at O3)
Tools for Knowledge Mobilization is a series of how-to guides that instructs users on developing knowledge mobilization services and activities.
- Top Institute for Evidence Based Education Research (TIER)
The aim of TIER is to conduct excellent scientific research and to put the results of this research at the services of (and make usable for) educational practice and educational policy. The Institute wants to develop knowledge of 'evidence based education' that can be made use of by; 1) the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in policy preparation and evaluation; 2) the educational practice - such as educational institutions - in the allocation of means and in decision making when choosing between educational theories; 3) parents and students when choosing a school or training. TIER has three partners: the University of Amsterdam, Maastricht University, and the University of Groningen.

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- Bates R (2002) The impact of educational research: alternative methodologies and conclusions. Research Papers in Education 17(4): 1-6.
- Bessette R (2003) Measuring the economic impact of university-based research. Journal of Technology Transfer 28: 355-361.
- Breakspear S (2012) The policy impact of PISA. An exploration of the normative effects of international benchmarking in school system performance. Education Working Papers 71.
- Brown C (2011) Exploring the concepts of knowledge adoption and conceptual impact: implications for educational research submissions to the Research Excellence Framework (2014). Evidence, Knowledge and Economy Journal 5(3): 137-154.
- Bunn F (2011) Strategies to promote the impact of systematic reviews on health care policy: a systematic review of the literature. Evidence and Policy 7(4): 403-28.
- CHASS (Council for Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences) (2005). Measures of quality and impact of publicly funded research in the humanities, arts and social sciences. Report prepared for: the Australian Department of Education, Science and Training.
- Collins K (2013) Innovating with impact. Teaching Leaders Quarterly. Q2.
- Cooper A (2010) Knowledge brokers - a promising knowledge mobilization strategy to increase research use and its impact in education. AERA, Denver, 2010.
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- Donovan C (2008) The Australian research quality framework: a live experiment in capturing the social, economic, environmental, and cultural returns of publicly funded research. In Coryn C and Scriven M (Eds.) Reforming the evaluation of research. New Directions for Evaluation 18: 47–60.
- ESRC (2009) Taking stock: a summary of ESRC's work to evaluate the impact of research on policy and practice.
- ESRC (2011) Branching-out: new directions in impact evaluation from the ESRC’s evaluation committee.
- Garbarino S, Holland J (2009) Quantitative and qualitative methods Quantitative and qualitative methods in impact evaluation and measuring results issues paper. Governance and Social Development Resource Centre.
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- Hammersley M (2011) Can qualitative research have impact? Is it even evidence based? Presentation to British Sociological Association London Medical Sociology Group, Kings College, London, 12 October.
- HM Treasury (2003) Quantitative and qualitative methods The Green Book: Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government. London: The Stationary Office Books.
- Johnson S, Williams G (2011) Evaluating the impact of social scientists. Economic and Social Research Council.
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- Lavis J, Ross S, McLeod C, Gildiner A (2003) Measuring the impact of health research. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 8(3):165-170.
- Lewis J, Caldwell B (2005) Evidence-based leadership. Essays. The Educational Forum 69: 182-191.
- Levin B, Sá C, Cooper A, Mascarenhas S (2009) Research use and its impact in secondary education. Canadian Education Association/Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
- Levin B, Cooper A, Arjomand S, Thompson K (2011) Research use and its impact in secondary schools. Toronto: University of Toronto
- London School of Economics (LSE) Public Policy Group Maximising the impacts of your research: a handbook for social scientists Consultation draft 3. London, LSE Public Policy Group, London School of Economics and Political Science.
- Molas-Gallart J, Tang P (2000). Assessing the non-academic impact of grant-funded socio-economic research: results from a pilot study. Research Evaluation 9(3): 171-182.
- Molas-Gallart J, Tang P (2007) Report of the ESRC impact evaluation methods workshop 20th March 2007.
- Mollett A, Moran A, Dunleavy P (2011) Using Twitter in university research, teaching and impact activities. LSE Public Policy Group.
- Nutley S, Davies H, Walter I (2003) Evidence-based policy and practice: cross-sector lessons from the United Kingdom. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand 20: 29–48.
- Nutley S, Percy-Smith J, Solesbury W (2003) Models of research impact: a cross-sector review of literature and practice. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
- Oakley A (2012) The strange case of the two Wootton Reports: what can we learn about the evidence-policy relationship? Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(3): 267-283.
- Oancea A (ed.) (2009) The accumulation, mediation, application and impact of education research knowledge. Report of the third meeting of: the UK’s Strategic Forum for Research in Education, Edinburgh, 17-18 March.
- Oancea A (2011) Interpretations and practices of research impact across the range of disciplines. Final Report. Oxford: Oxford University.
- Oxman A, Thomson M, Davis D, Haynes R (1995) No magic bullets: a systematic review of 102 trials of interventions to improve professional practice. Canadian Medical Association Journal 153(10): 1423–1431.
- Pons X, van Zanten A (2007) Knowledge circulation, regulation and governance. Know and Pol Project, Literature Review (part 6).
- Rossi P, Freeman H, Lipsey M (1999) Evaluation: a systematic approach.
- Saunders L. (2011) Road crashes and war-mongering: why the notion of ‘impact’ in research is wrong. Research Intelligence 114: 16–17.
- Silver H (2004) Quantitative and qualitative methods Evaluation research in education.
- Sudsawad P (2007) Quantitative and qualitative methods Knowledge translation: introduction to models, strategies, and measures. Austin, Texas: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research.
- Walter I, Nutley S (2002) Models of research impact: a cross sector review. Literature review protocol - summary. Research Unit for Research Utilisation, University of St Andrews.
- Walter I, Nutley S, Davies H (2003) Developing a taxonomy of interventions used to increase the impact of research. Discussion Paper 3. St Andrews: Research Unit for Research Utilisation, University of St Andrews.
- Walter I, Nutley S, Davies H (2003) Research impact: a cross sector review.
- Weiss C (1979) The many meanings of research utilization. Public Administration Review: 426-431.
- Weiss C (1980) Knowledge Creep and Decision Accretion. Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilisation 1(3): 381-404.
- European Evaluation Society.
- Evalsed: European Commission’s online resource for socio-economic evaluation.
- Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice
- Knowledge Utilization Studies Program resources
- LeTS Evaluation Resources.
- Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL).
- UK Evaluation Society (UKES).

Conceptual frameworks and models
- Banzi R, Moja L, Pistotti V, Facchini A, Liberati A (2011) Conceptual frameworks and empirical approaches used to assess the impact of health research: an overview of reviews. Health Research Policy and Systems 9(26).
- Best A, Holmes B (2010) Systems thinking, knowledge and action: towards better models and methods. Evidence and Policy 6(2): 145–159.
- Brown C (2012) The 'policy-preferences model': a new perspective on how researchers can facilitate the take-up of evidence by educational policy makers. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(4): 455-472.
- Cordingley P (2008) Research and evidence-informed practice: focusing on practice and practitioners. Cambridge Journal of Education 38(1): 37-52.
- Davies H, Nutley S, Walter I (2005) Assessing the impact of social science research: conceptual, methodological and practical issues. ESRC.
- Graham ID, Logan J (2004) Innovations in knowledge transfer and continuity of care. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 36(2): 89-103.
- Graham I, Logan J, Harrison M, Straus S, Tetroe J, Caswell W, Robinson N (2006) Lost in knowledge translation: time for a map? Journal of Continuing Education for Health Professionals 26(1): 13-24.
- Lawrence M, Yeatman H (2008) Conceptualising the policy practice and behavioural research relationship. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5:16.
- Lemay M, Sá C (2012) Complexity sciences: towards an alternative approach to understanding the use of academic research. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(4): 473-494.
- Lester J, Wilds L (1990) The utilization of public policy analysis: a conceptual framework. Evaluation and Program Planning 13: 313-19.
- Levacic R, Glatter R (2001) 'Really good ideas?' Developing evidence-informed policy and practice in education leadership and management. Educational Management and Administration 29(1): 5-25.
- Lomas J (1993) Retailing research: increasing the role of evidence in clinical services for childbirth. Milbank Quarterly 71: 439–475.
- Nutley S, Percy-Smith J, Solesbury W (2003) Models of research impact: a cross-sector review of literature and practice. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
- Nutley S, Walter I, Davies H (2009) Promoting evidence-based practice: models and mechanisms from cross-sector review. Research on Social Work Practice 19(5): 552–559.
- Stetler CB (2001) Updating the Stetler model of research utilization to facilitate evidence-based practice. Nursing Outlook 49: 272–279.
- Sudsawad P (2007) Quantitative and qualitative methods Knowledge translation: introduction to models, strategies, and measures. Austin, Texas: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research.
- Wilson P, Petticrew M, Calnan M, Nazareth I (2010) Disseminating research findings: what should researchers do? A systematic scoping review of conceptual frameworks. Implementation Science 6(91).
- Research Supporting Practice in Education (RSPE)
The RSPE website includes additional conceptual frameworks from various disciplines which explore the relationship between research policy and practice.
Studying/measuring research utilisation
Publications - Bogenschneider K, Little O, Johnson K (2013) Policymakers' use of social science research: looking within and across policy actors. Journal of Marriage and Family 75(2): 263-275.
- Cherney A, Povey J, Head B, Boreham P, Ferguson M (2012) What influences the utilisation of educational research by policy-makers and practitioners? The perspective of academic educational researchers. International Journal of Educational Research 56: 23-34.
- Cozzens S, Snoek M (2010) Knowledge to policy: contributing to the measurement of social, health and environmental benefits. Workshop on the Science of Science Measurement, Washington DC, December 2010.
- Dunn W (1983) Measuring knowledge use. Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization 5(1):120-133.
- ECOTEC Research Consulting Limited (2006) Evaluation of mechanisms for the dissemination and exploitation of the results arising from programmes and initiatives managed by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Birmingham: ECOTEC.
- Estabrooks C, Squires J, Cummings G, Birdsell J, Norton P (2009) Development and assessment of the Alberta Context tool. BMC Health Services Research 9(234).
- Frasure J (2008) Analysis of instruments measuring nurses' attitudes towards research utilization: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 61(1): 5-18.
- French B, Thomas L, Baker P, Burton C, Pennington L, Roddam H (2009) What can management theories offer evidence-based practice? A comparative analysis of measurement tools for organisational context Implement Sci. 19(4): 28. .
- Gardner P, Fong A, Huang R (nd) Measuring the impact of knowledge transfer from public research organizations: a comparison of metrics used around the world.
- Gerhardus A, Dujardin M, Kiet P, Siddiqi S, Sauerborn R (2000) Methodology to assess the use of research for health policy development. Discussion Paper 04. Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg Medical School.
- Hall G, Gene E, Loucks S, Rutherford W, Newlove B (1991) Measuring change facilitator stages of concern: a manual for use of the CFSoC questionnaire. Center for Research, Teaching and Learning: University of Northern Colorado.
- Hall G, George A, Rutherford W (1986) Measuring stages of concern about the innovation: a manual for the use of the SoC questionnaire. Research and Development Centre for Teacher Education: University of Texas, Austin.
- Hall G, Loucks S, Rutherford W, Newlove B (1975) Levels of use of the innovation: a framework for analyzing innovation adoption. Journal of Teacher Education 25(1): 52-56.
- Hanbury A, Thompason C, WIlson P, Farley K, Chambers D, Warren E, Bibby J, Mannion R, Watt I, Gilbody S (2010) Translating research into practice in Leeds and Bradford (TRiPLaB): a protocol for a programme of research. Implementation Science 5(37).
- Hanney S, Gonzalez-Block M, Buxton M, Kogan M (2003) The utilisation of health research in policymaking: concepts, examples and methods of assessment. Health Research Policy and Systems 1(2). http://www.health-policy-systems.com/content/1/1/2
- Johnson K (1980) Stimulating evaluation by integrating academia and practice. Knowledge, Creation, Diffusion, Utilization 2: 237-62.
- Kajermo K, Bostrom A (2010) The BARRIERS scale - the barriers to research utilization scale: A systematic review. Implementation Science 5.
- Knott J, Wildavsky A (1980) If dissemination is the solution, what is the problem? Knowledge, Creation, Diffusion, Utilization 1: 537-78.
- Landry R, Amara N, Lamari M (2001) Utilization of social science research knowledge in Canada. Research Policy 30: 333-49.
- Landry R, Amara N, Lamari M (2001) Climbing the ladder of research utilization: evidence from social science research. Science Communication 22: 396.
- Larsen J (1982) Information utilization and non-utilization. Palo Alto. CA: American Institute for Research in the Behavioral Sciences.
- Lester J, Wilds L (1990) The utilization of public policy analysis: a conceptual framework. Evaluation and Program Planning 13: 313-19.
- Levin B (2010) Leadership for evidence-informed education. School Leadership and Management 30(4): 303-315.
- Mady C (2013) Reducing the gap between educational research and second language teachers' knowledge. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 9(2): 185-206.
- Meagher L, Lyall C, Nutley S (2008) Flows of knowledge, expertise and influence: a method for assessing policy and practice impacts from social science research. Research Evaluation 17(3): 163-173.
- Nelson S, Leffler J, Hansen B (2009) Toward a research agenda for understanding and improving the use of research evidence. Portland: Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.
- Neumann A, Shahor N, Shina I, Sarid A, Saar Z (2013) Evaluation utilization research - developing a theory and putting it to use. Evaluation and Program Planning 36(1): 64-70.
- Parkhurst J (2012) Framing, ideology and evidence: Uganda's HIV success and the development of PEPFAR's 'ABC' policy for HIV prevention. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 8(1): 17-36.
- Pelz D, Horsley J (1981) Measuring utilization of nursing research. In J. A. Ciarlo (Ed.) Utilizing evaluation: concepts and measurement techniques (pp. 125-149). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
- Pérez S, Schwarz H (2009) Developing an analytical framework for mapping, monitoring and assessing transnational R&D collaboration in Europe. The case of the ERA-NETs. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
- Rich R (1997) Measuring knowledge utilisation processes and outcomes. Knowledge and Policy: International Journal of Knowledge Transfer and Utilization 3: 11-24.
- Rokicka W (1999) Educational documentation, research and decision-making. National Case Studies. Paris: UNESCO.
- Skinner K (2007) Developing a tool to measure knowledge exchange outcomes. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 22(1): 49-73.
- Squires et al. (2011) Validation of the conceptual research utilization scale: an application of the standards for educational and psychological testing in healthcare. BMC Health Services Research 11:107.
- Sudsawad P (2007) Knowledge translation: Introduction to models, strategies, and measures. Austin, Texas: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, National Center for the Dissemination of Disability Research.
- Van Eerd D, Cole D, Keown K, Irvin E, Kramer D, Brenneman Gibson J, Kohn MK, Mahood Q, Slack T, Amick III BC, Phipps D, Garcia J, Morassaei S (2011) Report on knowledge transfer and exchange practices: a systematic review of the quality and types of instruments used to assess KTE implementation and impact. Toronto: Institute for Work & Health.
- Van de Vall M, Bolas C (1982) Using social policy research for reducing social problems: an empirical analysis of structure and functions. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 18:49–67.
Websites - National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) 'Research Engaged Award' Project
Presentations - Deiss R (2012) Indicators for EU education policy making. EIPPEE 2012 Annual Conference - Advancing the use of education research in Europe, the Netherlands, May 2012. (password needed to access)
- Tseng V (2014) Current research priorities in the study of evidence use in the USA. Presentation for the Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London, May 7, 2014.
- Anderson P (2007) What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education. JISC Technology and Standards Watch.
- Bell M, Cordingley P, Curtis A, Evans D, Hughes S, Shreeve A (2002) Bringing research resources to practitioner users via web technology: lessons learned to date. Paper prepared for the BERA 2002 conference, Exeter University.
- Cann A, Dimitriou K, Hooley T(2011) Social media: a guide for researchers. Research Information Network.
- Girard B (2010) Impact 2.0 - New mechanisms for linking research and policy. Fundación Comunica.
- Halper S (2008) Uses of Web 2.0 by UK social science researchers and libraries. ALISS Quarterly 3(3): 3-10.
- Head A (2010) How today’s college students use Wikipedia for course-related research. First Monday 12(8).
- Husson H, DeCorby K, Dobbins M (2012) Review results in 140 characters or less: using social media to link decision makers to evidence.
- ISSUES Project (2011) Social media and knowledge exchange: ISSUES survey of use and application.
- Kaplan A, Haenlein M (2010) Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons 53(1): 59–68.
- Kietzmann JH, Hermkens K, McCarthy IP, Silvestre BS (2011) Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business Horizons 54: 241—251.
- Letierce J, Passant A, Decker S, Breslin JG (2010) Understanding how Twitter is used to spread scientific messages. Web Science Conf. 2010, April 26-27, 2010, Raleigh, NC, USA.
- McKenzie D, Ozler B (2011) The impact of economic blogs - Part I: Dissemination.
- McKenzie D, Ozler B (2011) The impact of blogs - Part II: Blogging enhances the blogger’s reputation. But, does it influence policy?
- Minocha S (2009) A study on the effective use of social software by further and higher education in the UK to support student learning and engagement (Final Report).
- Minocha S, Petres M (2012) Handbook of social media for researchers and supervisors: digital technologies for research dialogues. Open University.
- Mollett A, Moran A, Dunleavy P (2011) Using Twitter in university research, teaching and impact activities. LSE Public Policy Group.
- Ovadia S (2009) Exploring the potential of Twitter as a research tool. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 28(4): 202-205.
- Owen M (2006) Social software and learning. Futurelab.
- Phipps D, Jensen K, Myers G (2012) Applying social sciences research for public benefit using knowledge mobilization and social media. In: López-Varela A Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Sciences and Knowledge Management.

Research quality assessment
- Burls A (2009) What is critical appraisal? Newmarket: Haywood Medical Communications.
- CHASS (Council for Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences) (2005) Measures of quality and impact of publicly funded research in the humanities, arts and social sciences. Report prepared for: the Australian Department of Education, Science and Training.
- Harden A, Gough D (2012) Quality and relevance appraisal. In Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (eds.) An introduction to Systematic Reviews. London: Sage.
- Nutley S, Powell A, Davies H (2012) What counts as good evidence? Alliance for Useful Evidence.
- Spencer L, Ritchie J, Lewis J, Dillon L (2003) Quality in qualitative evaluation: a framework for assessing research evidence London Government Chief Social Researcher’s Office.
- Gough D (2007) Weight of evidence: a framework for the appraisal of the quality and relevance of evidence. Research Papers in Education 22(2): 213–228.
- Shaxson L (2005) Is your evidence robust enough? Questions for policy makers and practitioners. Evidence and Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice 1(1): 101-111.
- European Educational Research Quality Indicators (EERQI) project

- Clegg S (2005) Evidence-based practice in educational research: a critical realist critique of systematic reviews. British Journal of Sociology of Education 26(3): 415-428.
- Coe R (2004) Research design. Education Research Methods, School of Education, University of Durham.
- Cohen L, Manion L, Morrison K (2000) Research methods in education. 5th Edition. London: Routledge Falmer.
- Connell J, Kubisch A (1998) Applying a theory of change approach in Anderson K, Kubisch A, Connell J (Eds) New approaches to evaluating community initiatives. Volume 2: Theory, Measurement, and Analysis. Washington DC: The Aspen Institute.
- Friedrich G (2000) Generating and Developing Research Questions, Models of Inquiry Syllabus: 514. School of Communication, Information and Library Studies: Rutgers State University of New Jersey.
- Gough D (2009) Transparency in planning, warranting and interpreting research. Teaching and Learning Research Briefing. Number 78.
- Meadows K (2003) So you want to do research? 2: developing the research question. British Journal of Community Nursing 8(9) 397-403.
- Oakley A, Gough D, Oliver S, Thomas J (2005) The politics of evidence and methodology: lessons from the EPPI Centre. Evidence and Policy 1(1): 5-31.
- Retolaza I (2011) Theory of change: a thinking and action approach to navigate in the complexity of social change processes. Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation/United Nations Development Programme.
- Vandenbroeck M, Roets G, Roose R (2012) Why the evidence-based paradigm in early childhood education and care is anything but evident. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 20(4): 537-552.
- Web Centre for Social Research Methods
- What is Research Design?

- Bienzle H, Gelabert E, Jütte W, Koyva K, Meyer N, Tilkin G (2007) The Art of Networking: European Network in Education. Wien, Germany, die Berater
Networks (including the EIPPEE Network) are recognised as playing an intermediary role between the domains of research, policy and practice. The following is a list of other national and international networks that may be of interest to you, including brief details about each source.
- Alliance for Useful Evidence
Aims to champion the use of and demand for evidence that is rigorous, accessible and appropriate. Promotes evidence-based decision-making across social policy by connecting a global community of individuals and organisations from a range of sectors and backgrounds, whilst also providing access to stimulating debate, publications and events. Based in the UK.
- Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN)
The Baltic Sea Region University Network was founded in 2000 when first 16 institutions have signed the agreement in Turku. It is an umbrella organisation to facilitate and enhance co-operation between the members.
- British Educational Research Association (BERA)
This member-led organisation is dedicated to supporting educational researchers and promoting high quality research in education. It seeks to enhance the field of study, the growth of public knowledge and critical understanding, and the application of findings for the improvement of educational policy and practice.
- Campbell Collaboration
An international research network that helps people make well-informed decisions by preparing, maintaining and disseminating systematic reviews in education, crime and justice, and social welfare.
- Centre for Science and Policy
Through its many activities, the Centre for Science and Policy helps promote engagement between its network members: policy professionals, experts in the sciences and engineering, business leaders, early career researchers and others who have an interest in the relationship between science and policy.
- Coalition for Evidence-Based Education (CEBE)
A UK-based alliance of individuals and organisations interested in making research evidence more central to education policy and practice. Aims to provide a platform to share ideas and information, and promote independent activity that is taking place across partner organisations. Members of the group collaborate on events and practical projects with the aim of improving the way research evidence is accessed, and used, across the sector.
- ComNet Project
- Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe (CIDREE)
CIDREE is a self-managing network of educational bodies that play a recognised national role in the field of curriculum development and/or educational research. As a network, CIDREE wants to (a) ensure the mobilisation and circulation of high level knowledge and information amongst the member institutions, contributing to a more effective realisation of their own mission; (b) make new knowledge, generated by collaboration, available to the member institutions and other stakeholders.
- European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL)
An international network for those involved in practice-based research and practitioner research. EAPRIL's vision is that both academics and practitioners play an important role as researchers in the process of constructing shared knowledge and developing practice and theory. Its headquarters is located in Leuven (Belgium).
- European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE)
Aims to contribute to the improvement of decision-making and policy development in education and training in Europe by advising and supporting the European Commission in the analysis of economic aspects of educational policies and reforms.
- European Educational Research Association (EERA)
Aims to encourage collaboration amongst educational researchers in Europe, promote communication between educational researchers and international governmental organisations and to disseminate and highlight the findings of educational research.
- European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC)
Via this network, Education Councils exchange information on the education policy in their country and their viewpoints on the matter, with the aim of determining common standpoints on the education policy of the European Union.
- Eurydice Network
Provides information on and analyses of European education systems and policies. It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels.
- European Policy Network on School Leadership (EPNoSL)
EPNoSL aims at improving school leadership in Europe through a collaborative network in which members co-construct, manage and share knowledge intended to inform policy in the area of school leadership. The work carried out by EPNoSL is partly financed by a grant from the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture (Grant Agreement - EAC-2010-1388/1), within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme.
- Evidence-Based Education (E-BE) Network
Aims to promote the use of evidence as a basis for policy and practice in education. Its membership includes teachers and other educational practitioners; those in advisory or support roles (such as LEAs or teacher associations); and educational researchers. Based at Durham University, UK.
- Evidence Network
Aims to foster contact between members of a diverse and growing evidence-informed policy and practice (EIPP) community. Provides access to a wide range of resources and bibliographical references to the concepts of EIPP in the broad field of social and public policy. Hosted by the Centre for Evidence and Policy, King’s College London, UK.
- Finnish Network for Higher Education Research and Training (FINHERT)
The main objective of the network is to support Finnish higher education policy making and institutional level decision making, leadership and administration by research, research training, basic and further education, and by dissemination and refining of the outcomes of higher education research.
- Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR)
VOR is the professional society for researchers of education in The Netherlands. The association was founded in 1975 and has approximately 850 members. It works in collaboration with the Flemish Forum for Educational Research (VFO). VOR aims, among other things, to promote the application of research findings and theory developments in the field of education and training.
- Network of Experts in Social Sciences of Education and Training (NESSE)
A network of scholars working on social aspects of education and training, whose mission is to advise and support the European Commission in the analysis of educational policies and reforms, and to consider their implications at national, regional and European level. The network also contributes to the dissemination of knowledge on social aspects of education and training. The Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique (INRP, France) is responsible for the coordination of the network.
- Network for Policy Research, Review and Advice on Education and Training (NORRAG)
Aims to be a focus and a forum for the analysis of aid and international policy development in education and training through an international network of researchers, policymakers, donor agencies and NGOs.
- Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC)
The vision of this network is to develop into a strong formally established network of leading education policy centres.
- Pedagogical and Educational Research Information Network for Europe (PERINE)
An informal network of organisations that provide information about educational research.
Partners show an interest in cooperative work when opportunities appear and a commitment to support EERA Network 12 whenever possible.
- ReferNet
A network created by Cedefop to provide information on national vocational education and training (VET) systems and policies in Member States, Iceland and Norway. At country level it gives valuable insights into national VET systems. The network builds upon national consortia in each partner country. Every consortium is led by a coordinating institution and consists of key organisations involved in VET activities, including social partners.
- Research Impact
A Canadian knowledge mobilization network providing knowledge mobilization services to universities, communities and government agencies.
- REVA (European Network of Policy Makers for the Evaluation of Education Systems)
Network of European Commission working groups involved in particular problems or indicators (link not available as not open membership).
This website (in Dutch only) offers information on education that may help professionals in education to improve education. It presents knowledge that is, as far as possible, reliable and proven: evidence based. This initiative has resulted in a follow-up called KNOW (KennisNetwerk Onderwijspraktijk en Wetenschap / Knowledge Network Educational Practice and Science).
- South East European Educational Cooperation Network (SEE-ECN)
A broad-based, low-cost regional initiative that supports the exchange of information, ideas, and know-how for the reform and quality improvement of education in 11 countries in South East Europe. It provides an example of capacity mobilization and of east-east cooperation achieved through virtual networking.
- Strategic Forum for Research in Education (SFRE)
Explores how countries in the UK can improve the creation, mediation and application of evidence about education. To do this, it developed a model of knowledge mobilisation in education, drawing on the discussions in three major Forum events and on the understanding of national 'knowledge management systems' which was generated by OECD CERI.
- Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) network
This academic network builds on the work and community from the previous European collaborative projects in the field of teacher education policy.
- VET and Culture Network - Vocational Education and Training and Culture
A voluntary network of senior and junior researchers and students, practicing cross-cultural, independent and critical research on transformations in vocational education and in relations between work, education and politics. The aim of the network is to support members in their different academic and institutional environments through virtual communication, annual meetings, collaborative teaching, supervision and publishing.
- VETNET - European Research Network in Vocational Education and Training VETNET, established as a network within the European Educational Research Association (EERA), provides an open platform for basic (discipline-based) research that deals with some aspects of VET as well as for more specialised (interdisciplinary) research approaches that are more closely involved in the development of VET systems.
- WIFO Gateway to research on education in Europe - This website, provided by the Research Forum WIFO, enables researchers and professionals in the field of European education to share resources and news about their collaborative activities. Its thematic focus is on the relationship between learning and work. It links research, policy and practice, particularly in the field of vocational education and human resource development.
Other resources
- ComNet project
Provides resources and offers training opportunities for professionals in education - teachers, trainers, programme developers, managers, researchers and evaluators - who are already involved in networks or may wish to be so in the future. The focus is on planning and implementing a particular type of network: European networks in the framework of the EU funding programmes for lifelong learning.
