The EIPPEE Network has developed an online search-portal that will enable users to identify quality assured research from across Europe. It is divided into two main components:
- A search engine that enables users to search multiple websites simultaneously; and
- A map of resources, indexed by region.
How does it work?
The portal searches a list of selected internet sites (sources), according to your query (using Microsoft BingTM). Results are organised into broad (automatic) categorisations (these are shown on the left) and are displayed as a list of links. The portal adopts a ‘user-generated content’ model. This means that users are able to create their own search engine – customised to meet their own needs – and to recommend sites to others interested in similar areas. The portal itself contains a ‘map’ of core resources across Europe that are searchable from the same interface.The search engine is designed to allow registered users to submit new websites and to recommend sites to others interested in similar areas. This means that the list of relevant sources is expected to grow over time as more users add new websites. Registered users will also have the possibility to create their own private list of sources, which will expand the scope of the search engine.
The search engine uses the Microsoft BingTM search API, and further extends Bing output. It does this by enabling search results to be ordered by source and automatically extracting and displaying the main topics of the search. This approach will allow fast and focussed searches and yield a very high number of relevant results. Also, it is expected to significantly raise the visibility and usefulness of existing databases or repositories from across Europe.
The portal already includes one sub-portal, the “UK Educational Evidence Portal” and there is a plan for a second one, specialised on Systematic Reviews.
For advice on using the portal or setting up your own mini-portal, you can:
- Download our short guide:

- Or, learn more from our advanced guide:

The Search Portal is accessible form Here.