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EIPEE project 2010-2011

The Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe (EIPPEE) project built upon an earlier European Commission project that ran from March 2010 to April 2011. The previous Evidence Informed Policy in Education in Europe (EIPEE) project was supported by the European Commission Directorate-General for Education and Culture under the Lifelong Learning: Education and Training Policies (agreement number 2009-11932) with additional support from the Institute of Education, University of London.

The project examined the links between research and decision-making in education policy across Europe.  It surveyed 104 country and regional ministries and a further 14 individuals and 14 different organisations working in this area across Europe in order to identify:

  • the range of activities used across Europe to link research and policy-making in education;
  • the scope and nature of studies that have examined the extent, process and/or efficacy of activities used across Europe to link research and policy-making in education.


Key findings from the survey as well as a selection of interesting examples of linking activities are provided below.




EIPEE final project report

Further information about this project, including the main outcomes, policy recommendations, searchable database and a final project report and policy brief can be found at

Headline findings from the survey
  • A wide variety of approaches have been taken to try to improve the use of research evidence amongst those working within education in Europe: 269 different examples of linking activities in 30 of the 32 target countries were identified
  • 21% of the examples involved ongoing active work with international partners
  • Most of the activities were set up in the last 20 years (many within the last decade)
  • A majority were both set up and managed by national governments and/or government-related agencies
  • 27 different types of activities were identified (formed into 9 over-arching groups)
  • Meetings between researchers and decision-makers (such as seminars and conferences) was the most common type of linking activity
  • Nine different mechanisms were employed by the activities
  • 55% of the examples used the mechanism ‘accessibility’ (where the emphasis is on ensuring/increasing policymakers’ access to research evidence through making outputs more ‘readily found’ or more ‘user-friendly’)
  • 67% of the examples were predominantly concerned with producing and/or communicating research (with far fewer concerned primarily with research use, mediation between the two communities, or operating at the level of the system as a whole)
Revue Éducation & Formations [Education and Training Journal], France

This was a quarterly journal funded by the French Ministry of Education, which reviewed studies and statistical information covering a variety of themes related to schools. A publication of a scientific nature, it was open to all research stakeholders in education, though most submissions came from policymakers.

European Commission (2009) ‘Call for proposals EAC/26/2009 Evidence based-policy and practice: call for proposals to develop networks of knowledge brokerage initiatives’ (EAC/26/2009)

Funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture, the EIPEE project was one of three projects funded under this call. The two other projects are ‘Local Evidence-Based Policy’, coordinated by the City of Antwerp in close cooperation with Antwerp University, and ‘LINKED – Leveraging Innovation for a Network of Knowledge on Education’, coordinated by European Schoolnet. The call for proposals was to support international cooperation in the development of knowledge brokerage initiatives in the field of education and training.

Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religion, Greece

Since 2009, the General Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religion in Greece has also held a position as Professor of Education in the Department of Social and Educational Policy at the University of Peloponnese.

Mokslo lr Studiju Stebesenos Ir Analizes Centras (MOSTA) [The Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre], Lithuania

MOSTA is a state budgetary institution, an analytical and advisory body. MOSTA draws up recommendations on the development of national research and the higher education system, performs a monitoring function, analyses the state of the Lithuanian research and higher education system and participates in the development and implementation of research and higher education policies. It collaborates with academic, research and analytical institutions in the public and private sectors at national and international levels. The Centre produces policy briefs and reports for the Ministry. 

Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC): Civic Education Policy Training

Organised by the NEPC, this training is intended for NGO practitioners and policy coordinators who are responsible for designing and implementing citizenship education projects for schools, local education authorities, teachers’ associations etc; and for those that draft, review and advocate education policy in the field of citizenship education. One of the central tasks of the workshop is to teach participants how to support their project or policy ideas with evidence.

The Fundacio Jaume Bofill Foundation seminars, Spain

These seminars were established in 2000 and are funded by the Jaume Bofill Foundation (created in 1969). Among other things, the Jaume Bofill Foundation promotes research and convenes seminars with researchers, unions, parent associations and policymakers. The aim of the seminars is to promote dialogue on the basis of practical, concrete issues instead of replicating the main general political discourses on education. 

Agenzia Nazionale per lo Sviluppo dell’Autonomia Scolastica (ANSAS) [National Agency for the Development of Scholastic Autonomy], Italy

Formerly the National Institute of Documentation for Innovation and Educative Research, the agency was established in 2001 and is funded by the Ministry of Education in Italy. ANSAS’ main task is to provide students, teachers, scholars and decision-makers with information about educational resources, projects and technologies in order to facilitate educational innovation and research and dissemination of best practice. The agency is responsible for the development of Italian school libraries and resource centres, provides an e-learning platform for the in-service training of teachers of all educational levels, and provides several online information services.

Κεντρο Εκτταιδευτίκησ Ερευνασ και Αξιολογηοης (ΚΕΕΑ) [Centre for Educational Research and Evaluation (CERE)], Cyprus

Established in 2008, CERE is an internal department within the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus. Its purpose is to promote evidence-based policy and its employees are teachers-researchers who have postgraduate qualifications (PhDs and Masters) in the sectors of education research and evaluation. The aims of CERE are to undertake and promote research and evidence-based policy in the educational system, monitor the progress of the system and assure quality in education.