Entries for December 2011
Posted on December 20, 2011 16:16
The Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) held its General Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-3 December 2011. NEPC aims to promote flexible, participatory, evidence-based, transparent education policies that embed open society values. The meeting brought together three EIPPEE partners and representatives from a further 21 institutions and five individual members from 20 countries across Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and Asia.
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Posted on December 20, 2011 16:14
The international seminar 'Éducation et Sciences de L’Apprendre' was organised by EIPPEE project partners L’Institut Français de l’Éducation (IFE) in Lyon on 1-2 December 2011. The two-day event aimed to build an inter-disciplinary community of research for the learning sciences. Speakers came from the UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway and France.
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Posted on December 20, 2011 16:12
At Research Networks: Developing Infrastructure to Support Science attendees will explore how to foster pioneering research and innovation. The programme will showcase best practice of knowledge transfer, collaboration and excellence, highlighting the network infrastructures that can help to deliver results.
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Posted on December 20, 2011 16:10
The European Training Foundation hosted a two-day international workshop on 23-24 November 2011 in Turin, Italy to discuss the interaction between governance and effectiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems, and the role of evidence. Delegates included two EIPPEE partners and representatives from Ministries, VET agencies, representatives of the EU institutions, and researchers and practitioners in the field of governance, evidence-based policy making and VET institutional building.
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Posted on December 20, 2011 16:08
The EIPPEE project gave an invited workshop on evidence informed education and the role of teacher as researcher. Click here to see the event programme. This was in addition to the EIPPEE pre EAPRIL conference whole-day training workshop provided under the auspices of Netherlands Educational Research. Association (VOR), Division on Learning & Instruction on 22 November 2011.
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Posted on December 16, 2011 16:02
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development's (OECD) Governing Complex Education Systems project organised a conference on Effective Governance from the Centre on 21-22 November 2011. The conference was hosted by the Dutch Ministry for Education Science and Technology in the Hague, Netherlands.
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Posted on December 16, 2011 13:42
The EIPPEE project shared expert knowledge and good practice at a one-day conference on knowledge brokerage. The Bridging The Gap Between Research, Policy and Practice conference explored the role of knowledge brokers (or intermediaries) in producing research impact.
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Posted on December 16, 2011 12:47
Four EIPPEE partners took part in a specially organised symposium session at EERA European Conference on Educational Research entitled: 'Research evidence to policy-making links in education in Europe'.
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